Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

My photo
I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Finally Back

I know its been long while since I have posted on the blog.  Between our daughter and her girls here in July/August then all the canning I have been doing, I have been busy.  My pantry is getting pretty full with all the canned tomatoes, tomatoe sauce, tomatoe juice, Mississippi peas, salsa, and spagetti sauce which should last all winter and into spring.  Hopefully we won't start our garden late next spring. My garden is still producing armenian cucumbers, tomatoes, cherry tomatoes and okra.  I pulled up all the vidalia onions they didn't get that big like my neighbors did.  He gave us several bunches of his which I chopped in the food processor and freeze packed. I can use them in stews, soups, chilli etc.  I also froze some okra which I usally put in my homemade vegetable beef soup.  The way our weather has changed the last couple of days with temps dropping from 99 to 65 high it won't be long and we will be eating soup!  It started raining on sunday and hasn't quit and is suppose to keep this up thru thursday. 

Chuck had to have Jim put down while the kids were visiting this summer.  He had gotten into a hornets nest and had over 100 stings which just about killed him.  But he began a slow recovery with antibiotics and pain medicine.  Then about three weeks later, he was bitten by a rattlesnak.  We think it was just too much for his system and he was over 38 years old.  He just didn't bounce back. We had Jim for over 18 yrs and will really miss him.

The end of Sept. we have a trip planned to Ft. Campbell, KY.  Chuck has to get a new retired ID card since he goes on medicare in Oct.  No more military retiree medical since they will take $115 out of his social security every month.  Tricare will be his secondary and he will still have his precriptions covered by Tricare.  Of course Obama may mess up our military benefits and retirement!  Anyway, while we are up there will shop in the commissary and stock up on meats and whatever else we can't get here.  They were building a new commissary while we were up there end of April hopefully it will be open when we are up there.  We usually stay in billeting which is A$47 a night with free continental breakfast.  The PX is hugh and all the facilities are right around where billeting is located.  I really miss shopping in the commissary prices on meat are lowere and quality is excellent.  Its about a 3 hour trip one way so going up twice a year isn't to bad. 

We have had alot of problems with our computers getting a virus on them.  We have had the laptop and desktop ones in twice now.  We thought that we had a good virus program (McAfee) but whatever this virus was it was shutting down our McAfee.  Our computer guy said alot of people have been having problems with their computers and what we all have in common is being on Facebook.  So beware!  I should get my computer back this week. 

Last Friday we took a trip to Monticello, KY and grocery shopped there.  Their sales tax is 6% and they don't charge sales tax on food as they do here.  Our sales tax is 9.50% and 8 % on food.  We only live about 15 miles from the KY line.  We only grocery shop once a month so may be worth our while.  Their gas was higher there though than us.  We may make this a monthly trip.  We also saw a meat place which we will check out next time.  We are working on cleaning out our freezer so we can restock at the end of this month.  I had stocked it up the end of April and we used alot of the meat up when the girls were here.  Kristy isn't able to buy alot of meat with her low budget so I think they enjoyed what I fixed while they were here.  Kaylee, the 13 year old was a big help with the cooking and canning.  She had her 13th birthday while here again this year and we got the usual ice cream cake from Dairy Queen. Since they would be starting school shortly after returning to FL, she wanted clothes for her birthday.  I gave her a gift card to her favorite store Rue 21.  They also liked to shop at this store in Jamestown that has used as well as new clothing and were able to find some stuff for school there.

Hoping my Aunt will be able to fly here for Thanksgiving.  Depends on the plane fares and we told her we would help with her plane fare.  So maybe she will find a cheap Southwest fare. I found out while checking plane fares on Southwest that Sr. Citizen fares aren't cheaper than their regular special fares.  Hopefully son and daughter in law will fly up for a visit soon.  They are talking about it.

We had been going out on the pontoon regularly till this rain started.  Finally took out our neighbor Joe and his wife.  We took sandwhiches and had dinner on the boat.  They really enjoyed themselves and are willing to go again.  Joe wants to do some fishing to.  At age 65 here in TN you pay a one time fee for fishing/hunting license for life.  We both have our license and have done some fishing it will be better when its cooler.  Those 90+ temps were not good for fishing. 

Well thats all for now.  I hope to keep up better with the blog from now on.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family is Here

Kristy and the girls arrived on Sunday afternoon.  After resting up one day we took them out on the boat on Tuesday.  It was a hot day but cloudy so not as hot as it usually would be.  They all had fun swimming and then we took a ride.  This lake is hugh! Goes all the way up into KY.  They wanted to go out again today but we are having thunderstorms and rain.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day for the lake. 

I had my appt with the orthopedic Dr. yesterday and he released me.  Now I wait until the other hip starts hurting and he will take care of it.  I was still doing my exercises but now I think I will just do the treadmill and start taking walks.  I am glad to be almost back to normal and will be when everything heals.  We took the two grandaughters with us yesterday and shopped at Penneys before my appt.  They found markdown clothing like 50-60% off plus I had a coupon for an extra 20% off.  They are learning how to get more for their money at a young age.  Jynna is 15 and Kaylee will be 13 on August 8th she will celebrate her birthday here again this year with an ice cream cake and a gift card to her favorite store Rue 21 which they will shop at next week. 

Neighbor left us a bucket of corn yesterday and a few tomatoes today.  I hope to make some spagetti sauce to can for the kids to take home.  Also some salsa.  I did make them 6 jars of dill pickles as well.  Well thats all for now.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blackberry picking and gardening

Well the blackberries are ripe for the picking.  We have alot of bushes along our fence line and in the neighbors pasture which abuts ours.  Chuck picked a quart the other day and last night he went with out neighbor and picked another quart.  I would like to make some blackberry jelly. 

I put up 6 quarts of dill pickles last week and 3 jars of salsa.  The garden has been planted just waiting for it to start producing.  Everything seems to be up but the carrots.  Chuck thinks he planted the seed to deep.  I still have to get some of my herbs and get them planted.  Today we are going to KY to get our SC peaches we usually buy a bushel and can and also freeze some.  Its alot of work but worth it to eat them all winter.  I hope we get alot of tomatoes so I can can my spagetti sauce.  The neighbor usually gives us tomatoes and cucumbers and last week we got some vadila onions.  Waiting for ours to be ready.  We planted armenian cucumbers from seed again this year they are really good gave some to the neighbor to plant.  His wife just retired and I'm sure will be busy canning all summer.  I had never canned before until we moved to TN.  Everyone seems to have a garden here and cans.  Will have to make a trip in Sunday to Walmart and get more big jars.  I have given stuff away but never seem to get the jars back! 

Waiting to hear if daughter and girls will be coming up for a couple of weeks this month.  Kristy applied for a couple of jobs and hopes to hear something.  There are so many people out of work figure the odds!  If she does get work we will go down and get the girls and bring them up here. 

Haven't been out on the boat since before the holiday we had rain predicted all week but it mostly bypassed us or we got like a 5 minute shower!  We hate going out on weekends because there are so many boats out on the lake especially the fast boats!  We need to get down to the mariner an clean up the boat and vacumn the carpet.  Since we uncovered the boat in April it has gotten so dirty especially the seats.

Doing well since the surgery plan to start the treadmill workouts this weekend.  If I can do the treadmill 3 days a week and my exercises 4 days a week I will strenghthen the muscles.  I see the Dr on the 20th.  I still haven't driven the truck want to be able to get in and out of the truck myself before I drive alone.  I have to be carefull of twisting and bending.  The Dr. says it takes at least 3 months for everything to heal.

Welll thats all for now.  Willl update later this month. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Rain, Rain, Rain

Chuck finally got the garden planted. He planted seeds last night for swiss chard, spinach and beets.  Still has more to plant.  Right after he planted a bunch of plants it poured rain for almost a week!  We were afraid that the plants wouldn't survive with so much rain.  We will have a late garden this year.  The vadalia onions are up already.  The neighhbor brought us some onions and cucumbers last week.  I want to make some pickes but need a few more cucumbers.  I have some canned tomatoes that I did last year and want to make some salsa.  The grandchildren love pickes and salsa. 

We took a trip to Nashville last week.  Chuck had a 9:30 am appt. on Saturday for a hearing test.  He wants to see if he can get a disability which is job related to his 27 years in the Navy.  Whatever % they give him his military retirement won't be taxed that %.  He aslo wants to see if they will give him hearing aids.  Luckily he had all of his hearing tests from day 1 in the Navy  till retirement.  The VA rep in Jamestown said Chuck would hear from the VA sooner since he had complete documentation.  We went up on Friday night and stayed at a motel not far from VA facility was able to get a handicap room which made it easier for me. 

I am doing well with getting around alot better.  Last week I was relaeased from physical theraphy.  I still do my exercises every day and when I saw the Dr. on Wed. he said I could start using my treadmill.   He also said that I will have to have pain in the other hip before I can get the surgery done.  Insurance won't pay unless I am in pain even though the MRI shows the damage!  I really didn't want to wait till I am in pain and limping around!  I have been walking with the cane two weeks now and am starting to practice walking without the can.  I still feel like I want to limp when I try walking.  I think I am doing well enough to walk down to the boat next week.  Hopefully we will have some nice days and Chuck won't have to work.  He worked a couple of days last week the extra money will come in handy for the Dr. bills.  I had to make payments arrangements for the hospital bill which our share was $750.  The rest we have been able to pay off. Still owe the Orthopedic Dr. $236.  Paid part of the bill last week.  They will just have to wait!  Money is tight when you are on SS!

Chuck was fianllly able to get the yard mowed on Friday.  All that rain really made it grow fast.  It was raining when I got up this am.  I imagine we are in for more later. Have to make a trip into town to Walmart for a few things we have run out of.  I haven't been able to go grocery shopping as yet.  Short trips is all I can handle right now.  I hate grocery shopping anyway!!

Well not alot of news if we get to go out on the pontoon next week I will post and include lake pics.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hip Replacement

Kinda been occupied lately with Cathy's recovery process and the physical therapy associated with her hip replacement surgery.  She underwent surgery on 20 May so we're into the 4th week post-surgery.  She's doing great.  Just this week she transitioned from the walker to a cane and occasionally almost forgets about the cane.  Her only major slow-down is getting in and out of the truck but we manage it, just a little slow for now.  Doc says it'll take about 3 months for the surgery to completely heal but that Cathy will determine when she's back to normal.  Daily exercise, aggressive PT and patience will see her through.  She's a little too determined at times so I have to remind her to slow down.  Her current goal is to get out on the boat and get to fishing.  We'll see how that goes.  I have no doubt that within a week or so we'll be out on the boat.  Been keeping close to the house for the past few weeks to keep a close eye on her but as she becomes more and more independent, I'll get back to my old routines - arrowhead hunting, hiking, woodworking in the shop, working away from home etc.  We have an appointment with the Nashville VA on Saturday to get my hearing test for a disability determination.  I had all of my Navy physicals, which included me hearing tests, so the VA rep submitted my disability application as a fully developed case which saved a lot of time.  Will still have to wait for the test and other history to be reviewed by the board to get their determination.  Been putting up with my hearing loss and ringing in my ears for years and figured it's about time I did something about it.  Actually Cathy got tired of me saying Huh all the time.   Finally got the top soil delivered so we can start the garden.  With Steve's wedding and Cathy's surgery, we're getting a late start to the garden this year.  I got a larger load this time so we have a somewhat raised garden which should make the underground crops (taters, carrotts, radishes, beets etc) to grow better.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Steve's Wedding Day

Well - It's finally over.  Stephen got married May 7th at Glen Lakes in Spring Hill, Florida.  Mom and I left Tenn on Thursday morning and arrived in Spring Hill that same evening.  Got to bed late, as expected, the up and at em on Friday morning to play catch-up, attend rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  Turned out to be another late night but fun.  Up again on Saturday to hustle around doing last minute stuff and pull off a wedding at 4PM.  What a day.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Wedding Photo Album

These are pics of the wedding photo album that we made for Lisa, Stephen's fiancee, for her wedding shower.  Even though Cathy wasn't able to be in Florida for the shower, we thought we'd give her something special so we're taking it to Fla with us when we go for the wedding.

Wedding's Coming Up

Well - Next Thursday we saddle up for the trip to Florida and Steve's wedding.  Gonna be a long drive but are looking forward to it.  Hopefully the weather will hold as we hate driving in the rain.  Love to sleep to the sound of rain and tend to get sleepy after awhile of driving in it.  Anyway, it's a 12 hour drive so expect to be there late Thursday evening.  Wedding is on Saturday and we leave for the return trip on Sunday.  Plan to spend an overnight south of Atlanta on the way back so we won't get so tired, so we should be back by early afternoon on Monday.  When we get back, will have to schedule Cathy's hip replacement surgery in Cookeville.  Not looking forward to it but hopefully it will eliminate another source of pain that she has.  I'm really hoping we can get back into walking like we used to cause we both need the exercise.
     Tomorrow we gotta head for Ft. Campbell, Ky to do the shopping for our summer visitors.  We usually go there to buy our meat cause it's some of the best around and the price is less, plus we don't pay sales tax.  We buy in quantity so when we get home we separate it into smaller amounts and vacuum pack it so it'll last longer.  We just finished eating the last of what we packaged up last spring.  It's nice to be back on a military base.  Our overnight room is only about $45 which includes two dbl beds, mini kitchen with fridge, free breakfast, large screen cable tv etc.   It's a relaxing overnight for us, which we don't get to do too often.
      Before we head out for Florida, I hope to get a couple more fishing trips out on the Dale Hollow Lake.  That's another way we relax.  It's soooo peaceful and quiet out there, especially during the week days. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Garden Time

Took Cathy to the Orthopedic surgeon last week to check on her hip and knee.  Not good news.  Seems her hip joint is deteriorating to the point where the actual joint is bone on bone.  No wonder she has trouble getting around.  It wasn't so much the knee as the hip.  Anyway, she's going to have hip replacement surgery when we get back from Florida.  The surgeon explained that they well replace the ball on top of the femur (looks like a ball joint on the tie rod end of a car).  They just cut off the top of the femur and drop this stainless steel joint into the top of the bone.  The ball sits on top a six inch shaft that fits into the femur.  When they put it all back together, the hip socket fits onto the ball joint and all the muscle holds it in place.  No screws needed and no rehab either.  Just recovery for healing from surgery.  He said she'll be up walking, with a walker, the first day.  Cathy ain't too good with surgery and definitely don't do very well with the pain.  So hope they got some good drugs for her.  Maybe when she gets healed up we can start walking again like we used to do a year ago.  We were both in better shape and need to get back to it.

Well we should have the ground plowed and topsoil on but the weather just isn't cooperating.  Joe came down last week to check on the status of the ground to see about plowing and we both agreed that it was still too wet.  Then, for the past couple of days, we've had more rain.  Just can't seem to find a dry period when it can be plowed.  Joes has his plowed but then he's higher up the mountain and it drains before mine.  In fact, his drains into mine and keeps it wet, at least for now.  Will just have to wait and hope the weather cooperates.  I want to at least get it plowed and prepped for planting before we leave for Steve's wedding in Florida, May 7th.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Stallion Attitude

I couldn't pass this up. My horse gets an attitude if I am late feeding him. He was really ticked yesterday when I fed him at 6 PM. We were late cause we were out on the lake most of the day. He picked up his feed pan and threw it toward me. Not sure if he intended to hit me or just get my attention. He does this all the time and no one except my wife believes me. Now I have pics of it. GOTCHA JIM!!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

First Trip on the Boat This Year

Thought it was time to change the lead picture of our house for warmer weather.

Today it was up to 88 in Byrdstown and about 80 on the Dale Hollow Lake. We spent about three hours tooling around, did a little fishing and some sightseeing. Had a pretty good wind out there and it kicked up quite a chop. We had to lower the Bimini cover to maintain speed as it was acting like a sail and slowing us way down. Didn't catch anything but had a real good strike on the Jitterbug lure. Will have to try that one again another day. Gonna put some of the pics on the blog that we took last year and will update with more from this year as we take them. These pics were taken from the State Park overlook in Kentucky. If you look at the last photo, following the lake to the left takes you into Wolf River which runs about 2 miles below our house. That would be about 17 miles following Wolf River. Looking at the 4th photo down - if you were to follow the water all the way to the top right then hook a left and go about 7 miles, it would take you by Star Point marina where we keep our boat. If you continued on down the lake instead of turning left, after 14 miles you would come to Dale Hollow Dam. This is a humongous lake and it's easy to get lost on, even with a map. Cel phones don't work well and all the marinas removed their UHF/VHF radios cause they don't work out there either. I'm hoping my GPS will work after I download the TOPO maps. Anyway, the top photo is what we saw as we returned to port near sunset. What a relaxing day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring is supposed to be here

The wx guy says that spring has sprung but you sure can't tell by the weather. One day it's kinda warm with the sun shining and the next it's overcast, windy and cold with a dusting of snow. Whew! Anyway today it was warm when we started for Cookeville to get my hair done and do our monthly shopping. It's an hour drive so we make a day of it. Temp was 73 while we were in Cookeville but a storm front came thru and when we left it was 57. On our way up the mountain we saw lots and lots of wind damage, especially with trees down all over the place. As we were pulling into our driveway there was a tree that had fallen across the road that someone had sawed up so people could drive up the mountain. Chuck will have to finish cleaning it up tomorrow. Electricity was off when we got home. Our neighbor called to see if we had "juice" and to invite us up to his house until the power was restored. It had been off for about 3 hours. We lite our candles and lanterns and opened all the doors and waited until the power was back on. Surprisingly, they respond fairly fast for a mountain community. Gonna have Chuck put a more recent pic of our house showing the current season as the trees are just starting to leaf out and green up. It's pretty this time of year. Gotta run. Will write more later.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wimpy Weather

Boy is this weather fickle. One day it's sunny and warm and the next it's overcast, windy and snowing. Go figure! Was gonna start working on the garden next week but it's still a little too Iffy lately. Gonna wait a couple of weeks. Chuck hasn't spent as much time out hunting the hills like he wants to because of the weather but he has managed to get out a couple of times. He spotted this fossil just below the falls where he's digging.

It has tenatively been identified as fossilized wave action from a prehistoric ocean beach. Seems this whole area was under an ocean back in those times. Anyway the stone measures 18" x 36" x 4" and probably weighs 175-225 lbs. At first he thought it might have been a fossilized rib cage off an animal? Interesting stuff. Our neighbor brought a strange looking rock down for Chuck to look at. We took it out to the National Park to the Archaeologist and he said it was a Lycopod root from about 30 million years ago. Can't even imagine that many years. Apparently these were roots from humongous trees that died, decayed and became the coal that we burn today. Anyhow - Chuck has found a bunch of artifacts out on the mountain. Almost all of what he has is from surface finds and along the creek bed. Mostly projectile points (arrowheads), scrapers, drills, hand axes, lances, knives, a bead, and some bone fragments (animal).

I been kinda trapped inside lately. Having trouble with my hip and lower back. If I sit too long it starts aching and if I walk too much it really starts hurting. Have been putting up with this off and on for a couple of years and I have to find out what's causing it. I'm scheduled for an MRI next week to see if they can find anything. We have a 12 hour ride coming up in May for Stephen's wedding in Florida and I'm not sure if I could sit for that long a time. I crocheted this kitchen set for Lisa's (Stephen's fiance) shower, which I won't be able to attend but at least I can send something. I crochet the hand towels so they can be hung on a drawer in the kitchen. Anyway - that's about all I have for now.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Catch'n Up

Chuck is still hunting for arrowheads whenever he gets the chance. Lately, he's been digging in an area down the mountain from our house under a waterfall. There is a fairly large overhang that used to extend about 30' farther out but the creek has eroded the limerock back to where it is now. Our neighbor says there used to be a still under there where they made "Tensee Spring Water." There must have been a lot of foot traffic cause the ground is hard packed and digging is slow going. So far he's found chert/flint chips/chunks and a couple of flint tools (broken drill and worn out scraper) but nothing significant - yet.

Oh, Well - we had a new porch squatter show up recently. This guy is really unusual. He's real friendly and you can tell he's been around people a lot. He talks to you when you go on the porch and if you meow back at him he answers. Really unusual. He was dumped - no doubt. He about 18-24 mos old. He disappeared for about 3 days after a big thunder/wind storm and showed back up holding his paw up. He was real lethargic and just sat on the hill with his head down and paw up. So - being the kind of people we are, off to the vet he goes. Got both ends fixed at the same time. He had a large abcess on his leg that ran from his shoulder to the wrist area. Surgery and lots of antibiotics. Also had him neutered - so no more fighting. Will keep him on the porch til he heals then out with the rest of the pack.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Its been a long time since I have written anything on the blog. We have had quite a winter here lotz of snow and cold weather. This week its been in the mid 50's and 60's but its to turn colder later on next week. We went down to the marina to check on the pontoon boat yesterday and its still covered up and secure. Maybe sometime in March we will get it ready for the water. Will take it in to be served. The guy who services the pontton will loan us a trailer to go and pick it up and take it to his shop. That will save us as he charges $120 to pick it up and take it back. Can't wait to go out on the water again. We will have to get new fishing licences in March. Next year Chuck will have a lifetime licence (for those age 65 and above).

Kristy and the girls were here for about a week right after Christmas. Hopefully this Christmas they will be here. Sure wish they would move up here. It would be nice to have them closer.

Haven't heard from Lisa in a couple of weeks she must not have any minutes on her pay as you go phone. She was suppose to start a job at Goodwill I think this month. Only pays minimum wage though. She has to move out of her trailer by the end of March as HUD is longer funding this place. The landlord is really a pain. Lisa said she found a 2 bedroom townhouse that may come open in April. She says they have really been having alot of snow there of course she is way up there in the mtns of WV. They have at least 3 ski area's there. It sure was pretty in Oct. when we went up there.

Stephens wedding is coming up on May 7th. We will drive down there on the Thurs. before and come back on Sunday. It will be a short and tiring 12 hour drive one way. We can't leave the animals for very long. We thought we had someone to take care of them but she is having surgery.

Next week is our monthly trip to Cookeville. Plan to visit Lowe's for some things we need for the house. Had planned on remodeling the master bath this past winter but decided to wait until the fall. So we will start buying everything we will need a little each month. Hopefully, it will not be out of commission to long! Plan to put radiant floor heat, porcelain tile, paint, new toilet and all new fixtures including light fixtures.

Anxious to get the garden ready for spring planting. We are already planning what we will plant. Also plan to buy two more tree's (maples) for the one side of the yard that gets alot of wind. The ones we planted two years ago are doing well. Got three lilac bushes planted last year. Some of our flowering plants died out this winter so will have to replace them out front.

Well thats all that is going on here in the mountains of TN.

Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch