Chuck is still hunting for arrowheads whenever he gets the chance. Lately, he's been digging in an area down the mountain from our house under a waterfall. There is a fairly large overhang that used to extend about 30' farther out but the creek has eroded the limerock back to where it is now. Our neighbor says there used to be a still under there where they made "Tensee Spring Water." There must have been a lot of foot traffic cause the ground is hard packed and digging is slow going. So far he's found chert/flint chips/chunks and a couple of flint tools (broken drill and worn out scraper) but nothing significant - yet.

Oh, Well - we had a new porch squatter show up recently. This guy is really unusual. He's real friendly and you can tell he's been around people a lot. He talks to you when you go on the porch and if you meow back at him he answers. Really unusual. He was dumped - no doubt. He about 18-24 mos old. He disappeared for about 3 days after a big thunder/wind storm and showed back up holding his paw up. He was real lethargic and just sat on the hill with his head down and paw up. So - being the kind of people we are, off to the vet he goes. Got both ends fixed at the same time. He had a large abcess on his leg that ran from his shoulder to the wrist area. Surgery and lots of antibiotics. Also had him neutered - so no more fighting. Will keep him on the porch til he heals then out with the rest of the pack.
1 comment:
What a sweet story on the cat rescue. If you can show photos of your arrow heads etc, that would be cool. I'm on Rick's computer where your blog address is stored. Glad I clicked on the link to catch up. Take care, Love P.
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