Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

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I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Crazy Sleepless Night

Wow - Doc started me on an antibiotic for my sinus infection and it's got me up walking the floors.  Like a dummy, I took the medicine late, about 9PM and went to bed around 1030 or so.  I read for a bit then went to sleep.  Woke up around 2:30AM and have been up ever since.  Cathy has been up twice to see what I was doing but went back to bed.  It's around 6:30AM now and sun is coming up.  Ain't done this in a long time but it's really nice watching the sunrise over the mountains.  Yesterday morning I watched a big old Tom turkey in the front yard strut around.  I was in the process of putting my flag up and was wishing I had my camera.  But as most turkeys do, he spotted me the minute I moved and took off flying into the woods.  I guess I'm gonna have to start toting that camera around just to catch shots like that.  I did happen to catch a skunk along the roadside grubbing in the grass.  I told Cathy that I was going to turn around and get a pic of him and she went ballistic - telling me how we were gonna get sprayed and all.  I just turned around and told her to keep the windows closed and nothing would happen.  I got this pic.

He just kind of went on his way without much attention to us.  Clouds are starting to form up so won't be seeing the sun for very long.  They're predicting showers for today and if it doesn't rain, it's missing a real good chance.  Guess I'll go make another cup of coffee and putter around some more.

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Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch