Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

My photo
I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Crazy Sleepless Night

Wow - Doc started me on an antibiotic for my sinus infection and it's got me up walking the floors.  Like a dummy, I took the medicine late, about 9PM and went to bed around 1030 or so.  I read for a bit then went to sleep.  Woke up around 2:30AM and have been up ever since.  Cathy has been up twice to see what I was doing but went back to bed.  It's around 6:30AM now and sun is coming up.  Ain't done this in a long time but it's really nice watching the sunrise over the mountains.  Yesterday morning I watched a big old Tom turkey in the front yard strut around.  I was in the process of putting my flag up and was wishing I had my camera.  But as most turkeys do, he spotted me the minute I moved and took off flying into the woods.  I guess I'm gonna have to start toting that camera around just to catch shots like that.  I did happen to catch a skunk along the roadside grubbing in the grass.  I told Cathy that I was going to turn around and get a pic of him and she went ballistic - telling me how we were gonna get sprayed and all.  I just turned around and told her to keep the windows closed and nothing would happen.  I got this pic.

He just kind of went on his way without much attention to us.  Clouds are starting to form up so won't be seeing the sun for very long.  They're predicting showers for today and if it doesn't rain, it's missing a real good chance.  Guess I'll go make another cup of coffee and putter around some more.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Snow

Wow - Just when we thought it was safe to go out in the yard ----DUM - - - DA DUM - - - DA DUM, here it comes again.   We just can't seem to get rid of this stuff.  Enough already.  I'm ready to get my boat out of the slip and get to fishin'.  I'm gettin' cabin fever.  This is what I found when I went out on the front porch to put up my flag.

Ah Well,  I guess it could be worse.  We only got 2 - 3inches of the white stuff.  My sister, who lives in central western Illinois got about 10 inches.  Even the birds have been caught off guard.  However, I still haven't seen any of the hummingbirds yet.  They seem to have put off their arrival due to weather changes, maybe.  Last year they were already here and getting ready to nest. 
On to a lighter note -  When I had breakfast this morn, my little buddy, Bandit joined me for a bite.

He tries to sneak around about it by just barely peeking over the table top.  He does this every morning.  Course, I don't help any by feeding him some of my bacon - he just loves bacon and anything else Cathy cooks up.  Only thing I've found that he won't eat is green beans.  Everything else goes down without hesitation.  He's an ornery little cuss and because he's kinda short, always has a chip on his shoulder.  What he lacks in stature, he makes up for in attitude.  Just another day in the life of the Elston's - I guess.

Friday, March 22, 2013

More HoneyDo's

Well - again we're getting closer to having Cathy's Kitchen done the way she wants it.  We got her new appliances - Whirlpool diswasher, Frigidaire Gallery electric stove and microwave.  I spent all day getting them installed and I can truly say that the above range microwave was the hardest.  I just ain't into lifting like I used to but we got it in, thanks to Cathy's help.

  She picked some real good appliances.  I told her that as much time as she spent in the kitchen I wanted her to get whatever she wanted that would help cut time and make her job easier.  The range is a convection and has 4 burners with a warmer.  The microwave is also convection and at 1.5 cuft, its almost twice as big as her older microwave.  The Dishwasher is fairly quiet but extremely easy to operat, has a little more room and is better organized internally for better cleaning of dishes, etc.

We have already priced out the new counter tops.  Our cabinet maker is located in Pall Mall, Tn and does a super job.  He priced out our counters at $1140 installed, including putting in our new sink, which we will purchase at Lowes.  We decided on going with laminate again cause the stone is just way too expensive for our taste.  They make a laminate that has a granite look, in a variety of non-repeat patterns, that has a routed edge.  It actually looks more like a granite counter top instead of the old laminate rounded over edge and flat ends.  We also decided to go with a butcher block counter top for the center island.  We can get it from Grizzely for about $250 which includes finishing and shipping.  It will be 36" x 60" and comes ready to mount.  I don't have to treat it with mineral oil until their original finish starts to wear off.  They include the oil to be used and considering the top is shipped via 18 wheeler, the price is good.  Randy, our cabinet guy says to have them ship it directly to his house and we can pick it up there.  He lives right off the highway and it's easier access for the big trucks.  Oh well, another HoneyDo that's done.  Cathy's kinda excited to see it all come together and she has never had a kitchen that was set up the way she wanted it.  We're getting there.  All I can say is the " I ain't stupid ",  I know that when Cathy's happy - I get great food.....

Monday, March 18, 2013

Almost New Kitchen

I just about forgot to mention that Cathy is getting some new appliances delivered tomorrow (tuesday).  Lowes had a super deal on a new electric convection 5 burner stove, an above range microwave, and a dishwasher.  They're all gonna be stainless steel.  Most of the appliances in her kitchen now are 10-15 yrs old - so it's about time.  We also got a 7cuft chest freezer to augment our 9cuft upright.  Cathy does so much freezing of meat, fruits and vegetables during the summer, in addition to canning, that we needed the extra freezer space.  Oh, and she's gonna try to find a wine cooler at the base exchange when we go to Ft. Campbell, Ky the end of this month.  I'll put some pics of the new stuff once it gets installed.

Follow-up on Stew

Well, like I said before  -  you'll hear no critisizm from me on Cathy's cookin'.  That Italian Meatball Stew was terrific, even without garlic.

If you enlarge the photo, you'll see that my little buddy "Bandit" has his tongue out cause I had just given him a piece of meatball.  He's a real chow hound.  Anyway the stew was a super success - Again.  Horay for Cathy!!!!

Rainy Day Surprise

I noticed Cathy scurrying around her kitchen this morning and figured she was up to another of her delectible surprises.  She watches most of the cooking shows on TV and comes up with some pretty good ideas.  While she was away, checking her email, I went snooping around.  She has this kitchen helper (Kitchen Witch) hanging near the stove that gives last minute tips.

We got this critter back in the late 80's when we were stationed in Maryland and made one of our camping trips to the Shenandoah Valley.  Cathy kinda likes her kitchen and is a genius when it comes to putting meals together.  You'll never, ever hear me complain - in fact, quite the opposite. 

You can see Cathy's Kitchen Witch hanging from the kitchen light next to the pot rack. I noticed that she is cooking one of Giada's recipes -  Italian Meatball Stew.  So I did some more snooping around.  I found this frying pan full of meatballs.  Actually they're a mixture of hamburger and sausage.
    UUUUUMMMMMM!!!!!  Had to taste...  While I was taking the pics, Cathy came back and was telling me that this recipe didn't have any garlic in it.  Noooooow everyone knows that Italians never eat anything without garlic.  They even have it in their breakfast cereal and coffee!! Oh well.  It's still good - so far.
Next comes - you guessed it - mushrooms, peppers and onions, browned just right.  Still no garlic??
Now it goes into the cooking pot for a long, very hot soak in some kinda broth (?)   Did I mention green beans, tomatoes and potatos.  Still no garlic?????  Actually I had to watch the meat balls while Cathy was doing her email.  That's my girlyman work for today.   Can't wait to taste this concoction.  I'll let ya know how it came out later........ 

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Ides of March

Lots of changes of late.  Cathy surprised me with a new Nikon DSLR camera that I had been looking at for over a year.  Had to save up the money cause it was listed over $500.  She found it on the Armed Forces Exchange System.  After discounts she wound up spending $382 for the whole thing.

Next - we had started having problems with  our 2009 Chevy Silverado truck.  The electric windows were starting to malfunction and the rear door locks had stopped working.  The door locks alone were gonna be over $700 to get fixed and they could only be fixed at the dealer because it was the chip in the remote that had malfunctioned.  Lots of little things that were adding up to big dollars.  Anywho - we went by the dealer and found a 2013 Chevy Silverado LTZ71 4x4 that fit our budget - so now we gots a neeeew truck.  Cathy says it's just another computer to learn - and she's about right.

Now with the weather improving, strange but welcome, we're ready to get the pontoon out on Dalehollow and do some fishing or just hanging out.  Hopefully, this warmer weather will mark the change to spring and we can start planning on outdoor things, like hiking and exercise.  We're both about had enough cabin fever for this year.  Got to go to Ft. Campbell in Ky the end of this month as Cathy has finally gotten old and will have to go on Medicare.  We have to get her military ID changed and do some shopping in the new commissary they recently opened up.

Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch