Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

My photo
I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Newest Additions

These are the latest additions to our cat family.  These have to be the most unusual patterns that I have seen on local cats.  Freckles (1st photo) showed up first and a couple of weeks later Buddy came around.  Freckles is the wildest and will only hang with Cathy and I but Buddy is everybody's friend.  Someone owned him cause he's real people friendly and feels right at home in the house.  While they both usually stay outside, they've both been fixed.  Right now Buddy is staying on the back porch while we administer antiobiotics for some wounds he has from fighting.   This is his second go around with fighting but I guess we'll just have to get used to it.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Christmas Time

Well it's that time of year again.  Time to get ready for this years celebration and, for us, to remember Christmas's past.  I took this pic of Jim on Christmas day 2007.  He's been gone a year this past August and boy do we miss him.  I'm about ready to put up the outside decorations and yesterday, saturday, Cathy and I went to a Christmas tree farm and looked at trees.  We're gonna get one about 14 December.  Looks like the kids/grandkids won't be here this year so it'll just be Cathy and I.

We've always enjoyed ourselves.  I've invited Ken, my work buddy, to spend Christmas with us and I'm pretty sure he'll be able to make it.  Cathy already has the meal planned and I know it'll be great, it always is.  Doesn't look like we'll get snow but we'll keep our fingers crossed.  Ain't nothing like a white Christmas.  So - Here's to all our family and friends -  May you all have a safe and very merry Christmas and a happy new year.  God bless all

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012


This cement statue was given to me by someone when we (Ken and I ) renovated the inside of their horse barn.  It was left by the previous owners and the current owner wanted to get rid of it.  I offered to purchase it but they gave it to me instead.   It's commonly called a "Jocko" or cement lawn ornament.  The people who gave it to me felt it was extremely racist but I think of it as an antique.  My research reveals that the original "Jocko" could have been tied into the early horse racing days when almost all the jockeys were black.  Another theory is that these or similar statues were used in the 1800's to mark the way for blacks to find the underground railroad.  Still another theory but
totally undocumented is that the a similar statue was erected by Pres. Geo Washington at his home to commemorate an young black boy who froze to death guarding Washington's horses when they attacked Trenton, NJ during the Revolutionary War.  This reinforced cement statue is 40" tall and stands on a 3" base.  Interestingly, the features are  caucasian and not what you would consider "black features."  I've found similar statues on ebay, one of which is very close, that is still manufactured by a company from the 1960's selling for around $140.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Its a Beautiful Fall

I haven't written on the blog in quite awhile. Seems I have been busy canning the last of the tomatoes. Going to miss those garden tomatoes. Didn't know there was so many ways to can tomatoes.  I have canned tomatoes, tomatoe sauce, tomatoe juice, spagetti sauce, green tomatoe relish, marinara sauce and tomatoe jam. Tomatoes in the vegetable sou0p even.  The last of the tomatoes are ripening up on the front porch. There are probably tomatoes up there still at the neighbors garden. He has greens going now.

The leaves are beautiful here this year and it won't be long and they will be turning brown and dropping off the trees then winter and cold weather will be here.  This week there is to be 79 degree weather until Saturday then hit hits the low 60's. Hope to get out on the boat a few more times before we cover it for the winter. With the knee surgery and Chuck working so much this summer, we didn't get out on the boat as much as in previous years.

I am so glad that the bathroom is done it turned out just like I thought it would.  Next will be the master bedroom, just chair rail and paint. We want to redo the closets in all 3 bedrooms to maximize storage I am looking into designs for that. A good winter project. We have decided to try crown molding in the bedroom if it turns out good will do the living room as well.  Plan to do wainscoat, chair rail and crown molding in the livingroom as well.

I have been reading quite a bit but must get back to my cabin quilt.  Its a good winter project. Its for the guest bedroom. We have been thinking of building a murphy bed in the 3rd bedroom which would give us extra guest space.  I have my desk and computer in here and Chuck has his computer and desk in the guest bedroom.  Wish the bedrooms and main bath were just a little bigger.

Heading to Dallas, TX to visit some old friends they were here the end of June and plan to come back again in May.  They would love to move up here someday as they love the area.  We have been thru Dallas a couple of times passing through but never stopped.  We plan to spend the night in Memphis at the navy base there and hope to arrive with time to go to the exchange and commissary.  November we head to FL to visit with son and wife.  Hopefully it will be much cooler there in November. Hope to see the 3 gradaughters and daughter while there as well.  The two oldest girls are in high school now and youngest will be 5 this month.  They have  grown up so much.  They didn't make it up for a visit this summer maybe next summer. 

Finally feel recovered from the knee replacement surgery I had in May.  I spend mothers day in the hospital. I am waiting to see how the cold affects it this winter.

Hubby celebrated his 66th birthday today. Steak salad and ice cream cake and a box of his favorite chocolet covered cherries and pjs for the upcoming winter. 

Not alot going on here. So I will sign off for now.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Masterbath Finale

Finally - Cathy's master bathroom is finished, complete with floor warmer, which is really great in the winter.  I must admit her idea of wainscot and choice of colors really dresses it up.  The flooring system has a wall mounted control that lets you set the floor temp between 68-82 degrees.  Well, now onto the master bedroom.  Let's see what she comes up with for it.  Stay tuned......... 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

October on Dale Hollow Lake

Today was a super day for October so we had to go out on the lake.  Dig Cathy's hairdo.  I must say it was a bit windy and cooler than onshore but we had a great day.  Got the boat cleaned up and ready to button up for the winter.  We'll wait a bit longer to see if the weather stays warm enough to go out some more like it did last year.  We were still on the lake in November.  We're still finishing up the bathroom.  Should get the wainscot and all the trim done before the week is out.  That heated floor woworks like a charm.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Continuing with master bathroom renovation

Old linoleum tiles
Wiring for heating mats and thermostat

Setting up to tile over heating mats

Started this weekend on laying heated floor mats and new porcelain tile.  Previous owners had put down linoleum tiles so that had to come up first, which turned out to be very easy.  Then came the floor mats for under tile heating.  I ran a separate 120 circuit for it and stapled the mats down in the high traffic and shower area. We used two  3' x 5' mats to cover a 6' x 5' area.  Finished tiling and grouting in 2 days.  Next will be the wainscot and trim. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Winter's Coming

Although the weather has been colder of late, this is our first heavy frost.  Apparently the near constant breeze up here keeps the frost from forming.  The valley has had several frosts already.  The leaves are starting to change so we need to get out on the lake to get some pics of the changing colors out there but it's been a little too cold to go out on the boat.  Maybe this weekend tho.  Been trying to finish up the master bathroom.  We're putting in the underfloor heating system this week and intend to finish the tiling, wainscoting and trim before the weekend (Hope Hope).

1st Frost

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Next Quilt Pattern

This is the next quilt pattern that I'll be working on.  It's a lot more stitching and more colors than the double wedding ring pattern.  Another winter project to keep us busy.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

These are pics of Cathy's Double Wedding Ring quilt.  She and I worked on it over the winter.  We don't have a lot to do during the winter months so helping her with the quilt was another way to occupy time.  She's already started another one and I'm sure I'll be helping with it also. 

  The 1st pic really doesn't show the design very well and you can barely see the double rings on the pillow cases.  Cathy has some larger double rings that she plans to put together to make matching pillow cases.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Canning and such

Its been a pretty busy summer for me.  First recovering from left knee replacement surgery. Then finding out that I have osteoporis and rhematoid arthritis. Well I am recovering nicely and the knee pain before the surgery is gone.  I have a Dr appt on August 9th and I think he will release me then. 

Our garden didn't do to well this year.  We had 105 degree temps in June and part of July.  Then alot of rain.  The garden has become very overgrown.  Alot of the seeds Chuck planted didn't come up this year. But thanks to the neighbors we were given lotz of tomatoes, yellow squash, cucumbers and mississippi peas to put up.  I got myself a canner pressure cookie which makes my life easier.  I would like to get another one, only bigger.  The one I have is only a 10qt and holds 4 qts or 7 pints.  I have done with hubbys help, peaches, tomatoes, spagetti sauce, marinara sauce, pickles, green tomatoe relish, potatoes and salsa.  I am planning on canning chilli, soupos and beef stew next.  I am getting quite good at this and more knowledgable. 

We had company here the end of June thru July 4th our old navy friends we have known for many years and were stationed with a couple of times.  They live in Dallas, TX but would love to move to TN specifically our neighborhood.  Bob's wife wants to retire in a couple of years.  Bob is already retired.  They visited us 2 years ago and fell in love with this area.  We hope to visit them in TX mid October.  They figure the weather will be much cooler by then.  Hopefully they will come back for another visit soon.

Kristy and the girls usually come up for 3 weeks in the summer but because of Jynna getting a summer job at McDonald's they couldn't come.  I am still hoping that Kristy will come up with the 2 younger girls before they head back to school August 22nd.

We went out on the boat Sunday for about 4 hours.  We thought that the lake would be very crowded with boaters but since we didn't get out till 3 pm most boaters had headed home.  We haven't been able to get out during the week.  Hopefully will get out more before summer is over.  I drove the boat while Chuck navagated and we almost made it to the dam.  It was getting late and we wanted to get back to our mariner before dark.  Next time we will do some fishing.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Cathy's surgery & Bath renovation

Well we had been planning on renovating the bathroom anyway but Cathy's knee replacement surgery was completed on 11 May so I had to hustle along on the reno.  I had to cut the fiberglass tub/shower combo out in prep for a low step shower install. 
 Next came Advantech floor sheeting to help level and strengthen the floor.  Then I used cement board for the inner walls to help hold the wall tile in place.
 I've laid tile floors before but never a wall.  It's a little more difficult.  I had some trouble keeping the tile level across the surface and maintaining the gaps between tile. 

But the hardest part was drilling the holes to mount the handicap bars.  It took 4 minutes to drill each hole in the porcelain tile and I had to drill 12 holes.  The tile was hard and drilling them in place there was alway the risk that the tile would break.  But success and Cathy's happy.

Caty's doing super great on her therapy.  In just a week, she's graduated from the walker to a cane and everyday sees more improvement.  She has the right attitude and, although her pain threshbold is low, she pushes through it.  I'm proud of her progress and I know she's happier having had the surgery.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Well - Today was our first day out on Dale Hollow Lake.  It ws a little chilly, only 75 and a little breezy, but we enjoyed it anyway.  We spent a little time cruisin', a little time snoozin' and a little time fishin' and had a great time.  Gonna have to dedicate some time to cleaning up the boat after the winter over.  Lots of pollen and tree debris and some mold from being covered.

Chuck made a case for some of his flint arrowheads and blades.  Last summer he helped our neighbor rebuild his barn doors.  So - in return, Joe gave him the weathered barn wood from the old doors.  The wood is really aged, perhaps 30-40 years worth, and on the outside it's black and the side that was inside of the barn is grey.  Chuck as also made some picture frames from the same wood.

I just found out that I'm going to have to have knee replacement surgery in May.  Seems that the arthritis has really deteriorated my left knee joint and it has to be repaired.  Not looking forward to it but am hoping it will get rid of the pain I've been having for awhile.  I'm sure, in time, I'll wind up having the same thing done to the right knee also.  Anyway, in preparation for this, we're getting rid of the bath/shower combination in our master bathroom and replacing it will a full, tiled shower.  We intend to redo the entire bathroom but this will be the start.  We purchased all the material and Ken, Chucks friend, is going to help get it started by laying in the shower pan.  Hopefully it will only take a few days and my bathroom will be back in operation.                                                                       

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Winter's not over yet

Well - It's snowing again.  Within 2 hours we had over an inch of snow on the ground.  Right now there's about 3-4" and it's still coming down.  Supposed to get up to 5" before it's over.  It's a real heavy, wet snow too.  So we'll probably see trees and limbs down before it's all said and done.  I can see some of the limbs on the Hickory trees bowing under the weight.  Many of the smaller evergreens are gonna take it tough too.  Hopefully it won't be snowing much longer. 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New Livingroom Set

Well Hooray for us - Finally after bunches of years of paying in - we finally filed our income tax and lo and behold we got a tax refund.  Stupendous.  We been paying in for so many years that we thought we'd never see the end of it.  Figured that once we started drawing SS that our paying in was over but nnnooooooooo!!!  They still tax 50% of my SS.  But not this year.  So - we splurged and bought ourselves a new living room couch and love seat.  The old set we bought in 1992 just after hurricane Andrew came through our living room in Homestead, Fl.  Ok - I know - no biggie.   But for us it is.  We been hauling that 20 y/o set around for years.  Happy Valentines Day!!!  
I was talking with Joe, my neighbor, the other day and he was telling me about this guy, our age, that worked for the VA that had recently had to have a leg removed because of diabetes.  Anyway, he apparently has a wheel chair but no handicap ramp to get out of his house. Actually he does have a ramp, it at his back door and is so steep it's hard to control the wheel chair and nearly impossible to get back up into the house.  So - Joe and I went down and surveyed the problem and are planning on building him a OSHA approved wheel chair ramp for access to his house.  He and his wife are pretty much on a fixed income like most of the rest of us so Joe and I are donating most of the lumber and labor for the job.  Really gives ya a good feeling when you can do something to help someone else out of a fix.  Like Joe says - we got more time than money so why not.  Til next time - Ta Ta

Monday, January 23, 2012

 Of course ya'll know who this is.  Why it's Cathy and her loving hands are crocheting an afghan for some lucky someone.
 Don't know how she does this so fast but she's really quick and watches TV at the same time.  I can't even walk and chew bubblegum at the same time.  She started crocheting just before Christmas and is now working on number six (6).
 She's making this one from a lot of yarn that she had left over but it looks good altogether and these things are really warm.  She's made baby receiving blankets and the kids are still dragging them around when their older.
We always keep a couple draped over the couch and loveseat and we have another at the foot of our bed.  Believe me they sure come in handy.  I had made a couple of other pictures for the blog but Cathy wouldn't let me put them on.  She was crocheting at the kitchen table and was wearing her housecoat, plus, I got her when she stuck her toung out at me.  Totally in character for her but HEY - it's her blog.  ENJOY!!

Friday, January 20, 2012


Simply amazing what you can do when you're bored.  Anyway - thought I'd post pics of Cathy's purse and wallet while I was at it then I'm gonna go catch her at work and photograph what I can and put it on here too. 

This is the picture that I used for Cathy's purse and wallet.

 This is the design I put on one flap of her purse.
 This is a pattern that I had from a previous project that she always liked.  They're Maple leaves - so I put them on the other flap.


Well - Christmas and New Years was here and gone and winter has definately set in here on the mountain. Cathy and I been hunkered down for the most part dodging cold and rain, not so much snow, yet. I had a few days work helping construct a 24' x 48' storage barn which kept me out from under Cathy's feet but now I'm home again full time. We're both coming down with cronic cabin fever. Cathy has started crocheting afghans, her usual winter keep-me-busy thing and I took up an old hobby of leather tooling. In fact, the gal we built the barn for commissioned me to tool a leather chair bottem for her. I'm still working on that but thought both Cathy and I would share some pics of our hobbies. Here goes.

      This first pic shows me carving a pattern of a
wild rose on a piece of leather.  You can free hand draw a pic onto tracing paper and transfer it on to the leather or trace an existing pic.  I've done it both ways.  You have to wet the leather first and let it partially dry for the knife to cut right.
 This shows the pattern after it has been cut into the leather and is now ready to be tooled.  The leather has to be dampened again and allowed to partially dry before the tooling process begins.  This process continues throughout the tooling.  I only used 10 tools for this pattern.  You have to hammer the leather down around the design to make it look embossed.  This process also burnishes the leather around the pattern making it standout even more.

This shows the final product and the pattern that I
that I used.  The knife you see in the lower left is the swivel knife used to cut the leather.  Of course there's more to it than just hammering, you have to learn what and how to shade, what to cut and what not to cut, and lastly are the freehand cuts that you make with the knife to make the object look realistic.  The edges of the leaves are an example.  I tooled Cathy a purse and wallet for Christmas.  I transferred a pic I found of Jim our old horse onto leather for her.  I'll post a pic of that next.  I also want to get Cathy making herafghans.  She's super fast and watches TV whiledoing it.  She was thinking of having the neighbors in for a quilting bee while she crochets her afghans.  I thought it would be a super idea .                                                                                     

Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch