We had our second snow of the winter, only about an inch or so but with the wind blowing so hard it almost started drifting. Even though it was well below freezing, I decided to take a hike around the mountain to look for arrow heads. Had to take a picture of the water falls below the house that had frozen over and our house, as you see it from the road above. Sure was a pretty morning but burrrr! Well Christmas is over and we're almost into another new year. 2008 went by so fast it seems like a blur. I guess the older we get the faster time seems to go by. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with 11 people staying in this little house. It was fun. Our daughter, Kristy, and her three kids, my two sisters, Diane and PJ from Illinois and Diane's son, Robert from Calif. Robert flew into Nashville and had a friend drive him up to our house to surprise his Mom for Thanksgiving. It was a great time and haven't had that much fun in a long time. Took Kristy and our two oldest grand daughters on a walk around the mountain. They seemed to really enjoy the walk, fresh air, and scenery. We climbed across the face of several cliffs which was exhilirating for this old man. We all had a good time. Cathy and I spent Christmas by ourselves, which we seem to be doing more and more of late. Guess we're just too far away from our kids who are all in Florida. Kristy didn't want to drive the 12 hours again with her three alone. I know it had to be tough for her to drive on Thanksgiving up here and back but we sure did enjoy having them. I told her not to bother bringing the baby (Lilly) any shoes because her feet would never touch the ground while she was here. Cathy insisted that I finally finish staining the old rocking chair before they got here so she could rock Lilly and put her to sleep. She had a grand time with her Grandma. Well, gotta grab some breakfast and do some puttering around.