One of the neighbors came over and spread the top soil last week then Chuck borrowed a tiller from the other neighbor and the garden is ready to be planted. Yesterday, we went out and planted red, yellow and white onion bulbs, white radish seeds, cucumbers, crook neck squash,eggplant, beets and zucchini. Now its raining today so will have to finish planting seeds another day. When we get back from out trip to KY this week, will go to the nursery for tomato plants, pepper plants, lettuce and herbs. I decided to plant my herbs in planters and keep them on the back deck. Not sure if it this will work with the 4 stray cats running around! They may try to use the planters as a litter box!! I hope the seeds come up we usually buy plants but thought that we would try seed this year. Our neighbor does seeds and seems to have a lot of luck with them. Speaking of the neighbor, Chuck went over and helped him plant potatoes again this year. Chuck built a double bin under the house for red and white potatoes. We never have had to buy potatoes all year! He usually gives us veggies when he found out I wanted to start canning. His wife and her mother do the canning. Joe built a wood fire outside and got a big metal tub filled it with water and filled canning jars its much faster than doing them on the stove. So Chuck decided that we will try that this year.
Joe gave us two jars of what I call Italian green beans, he had another name for them. I have had the canned ones from the store but these are much better. I guess they have an excess left over. Their kids usually come and help pick the veggies and then they get jars of stuff and potatoes all winter. I filled my freezer up plus a whole shelf of jars. Gave some to the kids when they were here and friends. We planted stuff that the neighbor doesn't plant so we can share with them. He also plants greens in the fall those also freeze nicely. I just have one bag of greens in the freezer to finish up. I will can more of them this year as my daughter and granddaughters like them.
Well its time to sign off till next time.
Joe gave us two jars of what I call Italian green beans, he had another name for them. I have had the canned ones from the store but these are much better. I guess they have an excess left over. Their kids usually come and help pick the veggies and then they get jars of stuff and potatoes all winter. I filled my freezer up plus a whole shelf of jars. Gave some to the kids when they were here and friends. We planted stuff that the neighbor doesn't plant so we can share with them. He also plants greens in the fall those also freeze nicely. I just have one bag of greens in the freezer to finish up. I will can more of them this year as my daughter and granddaughters like them.
Well its time to sign off till next time.
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