Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

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I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

More Snow!

Just when we thought Spring was just around the corner the cold and snow is back. Not going to get the 3 inches they first predicted this am. I canceled my hair cut appointment for tomorrow thinking that the roads would be bad up here on the mountain (the county doesn' plow or salt our country road) it looks like it will be ok tomorrow. Its still cold here in the 30's during the day. By sunday it will be in the low 50's.

We are planning our garden but don't want to plant to soon. I am thinking of doing container garden for my herbs and plant the tomatoes where I normally plant herbs. Last year the tomatoe plants burned up and we didn't get many tomatoes. That one side of the house doesn't get the sun all day like the back yard. Chuck is planning on getting a load of top soil for the garden as the root vegetables didn't do well in the clay soil. Still have frozen corn, greens, tomatoes, green peppers and green beans, yellow squash and peaches in the freezer to use up and jars of pickles, spagetti sauce, peaches green tomatoe relish and tomatoes to use up. I gave a bunch to our daughter to take home at Christmas time. Have to see what the neighbor is planting this year they always give us some veggies especially potatoes, so we can give some stuff to them. They put up alot of jar stuff and give to their 3 grown children and grandchildren. Sure saved us some money this winter.

We are planning a trip to IL at Easter time just a weekend with Chucks sisters and nephrew. Its hard to get away when we still have the old horse and the cats.

My sister and brother-in-law's house caught on fire in January they are now living in a temp house paid for by the insurance company. Thank God they weren't in the house nor was the other sister. They are being told it may take up to a year to redo the inside. I don't think they were able to salvage much.

Daughter and grandaughters are planning a trip up this summer after school is out. We hope to take them to the Smokey Mtns and maybe Dollywood. Checking into renting a cabin for a couple of days. The middle grandaughter wants to visist an aquarium there is suppose to be one in the area.

Well not alot of anything going on here. I really need to try and keep up with this blog.

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Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch