Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

My photo
I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

By next weekend the temps will be in the mid to low 80's and 10% humidity with lows in the high 50s to low 60s! Whew ! I have had enough of this heat and am certainly ready for fall!

Surprise! Surprise! We finally got some much needed rain about 10:30 pm and did it rain. CHucks motorcycle got knocked over and a couple things broken and all his gas ran out! Must have had some wind. He usually keeps it on the front porch but was riding it last week. The grass is fianlly greening up and Chuck is out mowing the weeds that popped up. Won't have to mow much longer if it contiues to cool off.

Yesterday made my once a week trip to town to take trash to the drop off center then to Walmart and a couple other places. The gas and diesel prices are fianlly dropping hope it lasts. We have been trying to be conservative mainly because before the end of the month we are out of money! Still job hunting yesterday I filled out an application at the school board maybe something will come up. I really don't want to substitute teach though so hopefully something office will come up.

Well I must finish my laundry that I didn't do yesterday.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Heat Wave!

Another hot day today was suppose to get up to 103 degrees today. The humidity must have been higher today because I really felt the heat today. We would have stayed home but Chuck broke a filling last week and had to get it fixed. The dentist couldn't fill it so put a metal crown in. Its covered under our dental insurance that we have thru the military retirement. Just a $50 deductable and 20% of the cost of the crown. Chuck thinks that the crown cost $144 or so. The porcelain crowns are over $600 and that would cost us half the amount.

We stopped at the vegetable stand and they hardly had any veggies. With the drought going on I don't think the veggie crops were very good. I know that the cost of hay rolls will skyrocket due to the drought. Our old guy eats soaked hay cubes which we buy at the feed store. He only has 2 molars so can't chew very well. Speaking of "Jim" the mare in the field next to Jim is in season and is driving him nuts! He runs up and down the fence line and sometimes won't come and eat his breakfast and dinner. Guess you are never to old! Ha! He is losing weight so will have to increase his feed that means buying more than the 5-50 lb bags of feed we buy once a month. Chuck is planning on fencing in the front and backyard area and keep him away from her. The owners of the horses also have cattle and they rotate them so hopefully they will move her soon.

I didn't get the job that I interviewed for 2 weeks ago I have a feeling that they felt that I was overqualified or they just hired a local. I did go to the school board office and fill out my app for a job. I guess I could always substitute teach but I am not sure that I want to do that. I decided to go back to college and finish my AA if I can qualify for financial aid. I already have my AS in Office Systems but would like to either take the necessary classes for the AA or take some legal classes for the legal assistant or legal secretary. I think that they offer a couple of legal classes at the campus in Jamestown. I am also looking for a Web Design class. The campus in Jamestown is very small and they operate out of portables. There is another campus in Livingston, I will have to see how far they are from here.

Finally heard from Kristy today we were at the library in town when she called my cell. I wanted to find out how the girls first week of school was going. Jynna has to be up at 5:45 am and catch the bus at 6:30am to go to middle school (she is in 6th grade). Kristy had to put her in a different school since the other one closer is so bad and their students scored very low in testing. Kaylee still goes to the same grade school and is in 4th grade this year. Kristy said Kaylee had a real growth spurt over the summer and she needs bigger uniforms. Hopefully, she can wear some of Jynna's old uniforms. Jynna doesn't have tolwear uniforms this year.

Chuck is into arrowheads and has found some on our property and down in the woods and has been researching them. So we went to the library to look for a couple of books on arrowheads. Since they are reference books, he couldn't bring them home. I plan to research the history of our area.

The temps are suppose to drop over the weekend to like 92 degree's I hope that it doesn't go back up to 100+ degrees next week. Chuck hasn't been able to work all week because of the high temps. Maybe he will get the fencing done next week. Don't know if his former boss will have anymore jobs here for him. Brian heads back to FL tomorrow.

Well we found our hot tub online thru the Army Airforce Exchange. Chuck signed up for a Star card and will order the hot tub and get 10% off the first purchase. The will save a good amount plus the shipping is $175 compared to $300 (Thats what Sams charges) plus we save sales tax. When the CD matures the third week of Sept we can pay off the Star card. We have looked online and at a couple of stores but couldn't find a better deal. I think this hot tub is last years model. Someone told us to buy one in the summer as they are cheaper and they are. We priced a floor model at one store and it was like $4200. The one thru the BX is a little more than half of that amount. (Of course the store does deliver and install it. ) We will have to find some help to get it up on the deck. Chuck will re-inforce the deck area where we plan to put the hot tub and he will have to run the 220 power. I will post pictures when we get it installed and running.

Hope you all are cooler than we are!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chuck here: Nother hot day here in Tenn. Supposed to get up to 102* by afternoon so consulted with my boss and we decided to forego work for the 2nd day this week. Dont look like its gonna be any cooler tomorrow. Been building fence at Spruce Creek. I finished up about 2,800 ft of wire fence and we have about the same amount of board fence to finish. With this heat, it really gets stressful and at my age, I just dont want to subject myself to it. I'll get some pics to post later this week to give ya some idea of what we're doing. I'm typically a jack of all trades and a master of none. Brian makes use of my skills whenever he gets the chance, whether its general construction (barns, sheds, fencing etc) to aluminum fabrication of doors, dividers or fronts for horse stalls to some computer work (flyers, CAD drawings etc) I can usually get it done. Anyway, i'm just killing some time at home today, spending some quality time with Cathy.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Not a lot happening this week. I have been staying in the house because its been so hot. Chuck decided not to work out in the heat today since it is suppose to be 100+ degrees today. He took some recent pics of the 2 new kittens and out other kitten. The tortie color one, Freckles always wants on my lap or be held while I am on the computer. Don't know whats up with that! She dosen't touch the computer just watches what I do. The Mama cat is all healed up from being spade 2 weeks ago so its time to take pictures and try to find her a home. Chuck wants to keep the black one (her brother) as he is Chucks companion whenever he goes hunting for arrowheads! (Since Chuck doesn't have a dog to go with him he takes Midnight! Ha!) Chuck will bend down to pick up something and Midnight is right there sniffing whatever Chuck is touching. Sometimes Midnight will go off by himself and one day he came home covered in cobwebs! He should stay close to home now that he is neutered. I just have to get him imunized for feline leukemia before I can let him outside the porch. He tested negative for feline leukemia. I lost a cat to feline leukemia a few years ago and dont want to go thru that again.

Next week the weather is suppose to be a little cooler in the mid to high 90's and hopefully the humidity will be low as well. Because of the dry weather, some of the leaves are starting to fall. Hope we get some rain soon. Its been a pretty dry Spring and Summer here.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Chuck put some new pictures on here and I noticed the one of the kitchen is one we took the first time we looked at the house. That is not how my kitchen looks now so will have him put a recent pic on here.

The kittens are much bigger now about 4 months old and growing. Will have to take some new pictures of them. Our 10 month old cat Bandit really enjoys playing with the kittens (they are both females). At least he doesn't bother the older ones as much now. The old guy is 14 1/2 and would rather sleep then run. Smile! At least he gets a bit of exercise when Bandit starts chasing him. Bandit is an unusual cat he sucks his tail. Never seen one do that. He seems to do it less now that he has new playmates. Chuck got him for me last Dec. because he reminded him of our old cat Skeeter that we had to put to sleep in 2004 he was nearly 15. Have the Mama cat and her brother out on the back porch. Got them fixed over a week ago free through the Human Society in another county. Our vet wanted $55 to do the female and $35 to do the male. I hope that there is funding when I need to get the two females done in 2 months. I hope to find homes for them. Plan to put an ad up a the Vet in town. At least they were both negative for feline leukemia. They will have to be

We will be having 100 degree + weather all week it may get back in the 90's by the weekend. We need rain so badly haven't had any for a couple of week. The weather seems to be crazy every where this year. The humidity isn't high so it doesn't feel as hot. But I am ready for the fall weather. People here are saying that the fall colors may not be as pretty here since its been so dry.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch