The photo of the deer off our back porch was taken last week. It was colder but nothing like it is today.
It was 20 degrees off our front porch this AM and we've had about a 1/2 inch of snow. We brought the porch cats indoors, and the outdoor cats onto the back porch where they can stay in the cat condo with heating pads. The high for today is supposed to be 29 so we'll keep them on the porch for awhile. Two of the cats appear to have an upper respiratory infection so we're treating them. Not a good time for any aliment in this weather.
We have Maddy visiting us for Thanksgiving. She came to visit during the summer with her God daughter and decided to accept our invite for the holidays. We were stationed with Maddy when we were in Misawa, Japan. She was in the Air Force and worked with Cathy at the base post office. We're glad to have the company and especially now that it's snowing and we're somewhat cabin-bound. I'm the beneficiary of all this cause both the ladies are preparing what appears to be a smashing Thanksgiving meal. I've no complaints.
Cathy and I have been racking our brains for a way to get the grand kids up for Christmas this year. We finally thought of a way. Our son, Stephen, is gonna loan us his suv that can seat 6 passengers in the rear and we'll lend him our truck for the holidays. His suv gets better gas mileage than my truck so it should be a bit cheaper on the transport. Hope all goes as planned. Well - here's wishing you all a happy and safe Thanksgiving.