Boy is this weather fickle. One day it's sunny and warm and the next it's overcast, windy and snowing. Go figure! Was gonna start working on the garden next week but it's still a little too Iffy lately. Gonna wait a couple of weeks. Chuck hasn't spent as much time out hunting the hills like he wants to because of the weather but he has managed to get out a couple of times. He spotted this fossil just below the falls where he's digging. 

It has tenatively been identified as fossilized wave action from a prehistoric ocean beach. Seems this whole area was under an ocean back in those times. Anyway the stone measures 18" x 36" x 4" and probably weighs 175-225 lbs. At first he thought it might have been a fossilized rib cage off an animal? Interesting stuff. Our neighbor brought a strange looking rock down for Chuck to look at. We took it out to the National Park to the Archaeologist and he said it was a Lycopod root
from about 30 million years ago. Can't even imagine that many years. Apparently these were roots from humongous trees that died, decayed and became the coal that we burn today. Anyhow - Chuck has found a bunch of artifacts out on the mountain. Almost all of what he has is from surface finds and along the creek bed. Mostly projectile points (arrowheads), scrapers, drills, hand axes, lances, knives, a bead, and some bone fragments (animal). 

I been kinda trapped inside lately. Having trouble with my hip and lower back. If I sit too long it starts aching and if I walk too much it really starts hurting. Have been putting up with this off and on for a couple of years and I have to find out what's causing it. I'm scheduled for an MRI next week to see if they can find anything. We have a 12 hour ride coming up in May for Stephen's wedding
in Florida and I'm not sure if I could sit for that long a time. I crocheted this kitchen set for Lisa's (Stephen's fiance) shower, which I won't be able to attend but at least I can send something. I crochet the hand towels so they can be hung on a drawer in the kitchen. Anyway - that's about all I have for now.