Welcome Aboard

We would like to welcome you to Cathy and Chuck's blog. We try to make at least twice monthly entries but sometimes get lax and neglect our blog. BUT we try to make up for it with hopefully interesting and informative articles. Happy Reading

About Us

My photo
I'm Cathy, a 67 year old retired Navy wife. Spent 24 years as a Navy wife until my husband retired after 27 years of service. We traveled all over from Washington D.C., to Puerto Rico, St. Croix, St. Maartin, Martinique, Japan and Korea. We re-located to this beautiful state of TN from Central FL. We live in the mountains on 5 acres with our 10 cats (5 indoor). I'm Chuck, the Other Half of the equation. I'm a 68 y/o sailor at heart. While in the Navy I was a Cryptologic Tech (Intel type). My most memorable tours of duty were in Submarines (Scorpion, Skipjack, Triton & Ray), as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Deputy Director National Security Agency (RADM C.F. Clark), and my last tour as Operations Chief at NSGA Homestead, Fl during Hurricane Andrew. It was a good time to retire. We have been looking for this home since 1965 and thank the good Lord that we're finally here.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Busy Summer

Its been awhile since I have had a chance to post. We have been busy with company and canning. The end of July Kristy and the girls were here for three weeks. We all had a great time. We took them all to Chattanooga to the aquarium. We all enjoyed it and it was well worth the three hour drive one way. We spent a lot of time going out on the pontoon, humming (swimming) as three year old Lilly would say. Both girls got to drive the boat and Jynna the 14 year old pulled the boat into the boat slip first time with no problem! They all want to come on their Xmas break. They are hoping for snow and a chance to go sledding.

The end of August Chucks oldest brother and grandaughter, he and wife are raising, flew to TN for a week. They hadn't seen each other in over 7 years. The guys got to get together and play guitars and sing. Bob made a tape of their singing. He wants to come back in the spring when wife Patty can come. She started a new job in March and doesn't have any vacation time as yet. Zoey adopted three of our cats and wanted to take at least one home but Dad told her she can leave them here for us to care for. When Bob called we asked when we were going to get our "Cat support check" Ha! They enjoyed going out on the boat but Zoey wanted to go to the beach (they live in RI and the beach is where they usually go). She wouldn't swim in the lake! After seeing a water snake on Friday I don't think I want to swim in the lake either!!

We planted a garden again this year and have gotten quite a bit of produce. We still have okra, tomatoes, peppers and Armenian cucumbers. Our neighbor gave us corn in July and we froze whole and also scraped off the cob and froze the corn. Also peas and beans that he gave us. A couple of weeks ago Joe told us to come and pick all the tomatoes we wanted as they were tired of canning. I have canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, made salsa, spaghetti sauce and marinara sauce. My pantry cupboard is getting quite full! I also froze tomatoes and okra. The green tomatoes I made green tomato relish with. Chuck picked more tomatoes on Friday so I plan on making another batch of spaghetti sauce and giving more to the neighbor. They like my spaghetti sauce. I will have to buy another dozen jars today to finish my canning. I also canned pickles and okra. We will enjoy all these goodies all winter long.

The beginning of the month we took an overnight (8 hour drive) to W VA to bring extra stuff we had to our oldest daughter. She just moved into a small 2 bedroom trailer the beginning of Sept. We hope to make a trip up in Oct and bring more stuff we have for her. I hope things work out for her.

Well that's all the news for now. Hopefully I will keep up with this blog better than I have.

Back Porch View

Back Porch View
Eastern view off our back porch