The garden is doing pretty well considering most everything is from seed. The white and read radishes are growing well. The lettuce is up. We have been eating the onions in salads. We planted about 23 different tomato plants including heirloom, cherry and plum tomatoes. Also green and orange peppers. The cucumber, yellow and green squash started from seed is doing very well. Chuck planted some okra seed today and 5 more tomato plants, 4 asparagus plants and my herb plants. I have Italian and curly parsley, basil and a couple others that I can't remember. Chuck was over in the other small garden area today and found curly parsley growing apparently its a perennial and not annual. Since we haven't had any rain in a couple of days Chuck was out there watering tonight. Rain is predicted for Friday. Most of the long weekend will be nice. We are staying home and will have company coming on Friday and Sunday. Hope to have a cookout on Saturday the usual hot dogs and hamburgers and maybe some brots.