Well its starting to cool down here. Its been in the 80's this week and by the weekend it will be in the high 70's with high 50's at night.
Last week was a busy week, between doing all the extra transcription and trying to get the canning and freezing done I need a rest! The freezer is getting fuller with corn, green beans, okra, tomatoes, spagettic and peaches. I have 2 shelves in my pantry full of jars of spagetti sauce, tomatoe sauce, tomatoes, green beans, peaches, salsa, green tomatoe relish and dill and sweet picke. There are still some green peppers in the garden and cherry tomatoes. Also the potatoes need to be dug. Chuck built a large potato bin under the house and the neighbor is keeping his potatoes in it. He has a basement but in the winter he uses a wood furnace for heat so his basement is to warm for keeping potatoes down there. Joe has about 12-15 bushels of red and white potatoes in the bin. They do have all their jars of goodies down there plus a freezer full. Jan has been giving me pointers on how to can certain things like the peaches. I think I will do some pears as well if they give us some pears again this year. Its really not hard to can just time consuming. Next year Chuck is going to fire up the wood stove in the shed and do the canning out there. That will save on electric to plus time. We have given a couple of our friends some of the things we have canned plus fresh vegetables when we have to much to use up ourselves. The neigbors just gave us a huge sweet potatoe squash now to figure out how to preserve that!
We finally got the office/spare bedroom painted and back together. Chuck just has to move the treadmill back in here from the porch. Its been out there since early July to make room for someone to sleep in here. We hope the start repainting and redoing the main bathroom. We are having a bathroom cabinet made for in there since the smallest one we have seen is still to wide (its a very small bathroom). New fixtures for the shower and walls and a new sink for the cabinet. We have a pedistal sink in there now which we will be giving to Chucks sister she is redoing her bathroom and wants it.
Last week was a busy week, between doing all the extra transcription and trying to get the canning and freezing done I need a rest! The freezer is getting fuller with corn, green beans, okra, tomatoes, spagettic and peaches. I have 2 shelves in my pantry full of jars of spagetti sauce, tomatoe sauce, tomatoes, green beans, peaches, salsa, green tomatoe relish and dill and sweet picke. There are still some green peppers in the garden and cherry tomatoes. Also the potatoes need to be dug. Chuck built a large potato bin under the house and the neighbor is keeping his potatoes in it. He has a basement but in the winter he uses a wood furnace for heat so his basement is to warm for keeping potatoes down there. Joe has about 12-15 bushels of red and white potatoes in the bin. They do have all their jars of goodies down there plus a freezer full. Jan has been giving me pointers on how to can certain things like the peaches. I think I will do some pears as well if they give us some pears again this year. Its really not hard to can just time consuming. Next year Chuck is going to fire up the wood stove in the shed and do the canning out there. That will save on electric to plus time. We have given a couple of our friends some of the things we have canned plus fresh vegetables when we have to much to use up ourselves. The neigbors just gave us a huge sweet potatoe squash now to figure out how to preserve that!
We finally got the office/spare bedroom painted and back together. Chuck just has to move the treadmill back in here from the porch. Its been out there since early July to make room for someone to sleep in here. We hope the start repainting and redoing the main bathroom. We are having a bathroom cabinet made for in there since the smallest one we have seen is still to wide (its a very small bathroom). New fixtures for the shower and walls and a new sink for the cabinet. We have a pedistal sink in there now which we will be giving to Chucks sister she is redoing her bathroom and wants it.