Well - got up this AM to another inch and a half of snow on the ground. Ain't too cold tho only about 32 out. Saw about 5 or 6 deer browsing in the pasture the other day but by the time I got my camera they were skeddadling across the fence and into the woods. The neighbor and I have seen this group traveling around the mountain in recent weeks. Joe was telling me about an Elk that he saw along the road further down the mountain about 2 weeks ago. Didn't know what it was at first so he slowed down and stopped to watch it. The Elk didn't seem to mind the audience either. When Joe looked back there were other cars parked behind him watching also. This is the first sighting of an Elk in this part of the country that I Know of. We also have a big gaggle of turkeys that range over this part of the mountain. The last count I had was about 40-45 of them when they went trooping along my back fence line. Most were Young'ns with older hens leading and trailing the pack. Interesting stuff that I get to see off my back porch. Think maybe I should be hibernating in this weather but got work to do. Finished putting up rain gutter to keep Jim's stall from flooding and finally found a saw mill that had saw dust to sell. Baldwin's over south of Jamestown had a little accumulated that they sold me. With the economic low we're having, requests for lumber are well below last year. Ah - But not to fear - Obama's gonna fix everything with our tax dollars. Just keep paying IRS because if'n ya don't, ya just might wind up as an appointee on Obama's cabinet - Heh! Heh! Heh!