Well our furnace is fixed. They came yesterday afternoon and installed th new part just in time for the cold weather that we are expecting. They still think that it will snow on Christmas day. Its really nice to have the whole house warm again. I couldn't get my crafts finished because the other rooms were so cold. And working out in the main area with the cats getting into everything forget it! Still have more sewing to do for the new grandaughter. I see her on the web cam all the time. She sure is a chubby little thing with lotz of hair. She will be 2 months old on the 27th and I am dying to see her and hold her! Sigh!
Got my baking finished today. We only have 2 close neighbors so I baked chocolate chip cookies and lemon bars and made them a couple of towels and crocheted little Christmas stocking ornaments and a small Victorisn Christmas tree. After the holidays there will be no more sweets in the house! Ha! We plan to diet!
Made all the cats a little cat nip toy even the stray that is outside. Hope they will all tire themselves out tonight and stop running around the house. They get pretty noisey almost like having kids in the house! Ha!
Its hard to believe that Christmas is less than 3 days away. It came up on me so fast this year. Last year we were getting ready for the move to TN. Don't want to move for a long, long time!
Well its time to make my delivery of the goody bag. Hope everyone has a wonderfull Christmas and New Years.